New Grey Horse – “Monte”

"Monte" is a grey Thoroughbred horse for sale from Bits & Bytes Farm.We have another new grey Thoroughbred horse for sale on our Web site. He was first released on our Facebook page where he has had some suitors. We now have video. If you like what you see, do not wait too long. This is a beautiful grey horse and he moves beautifully. He could be your next competition horse. Check out “Monte” under our Thoroughbred Horses For Sale, Prospect Horses at the Track section.

We have another new grey Thoroughbred horse for sale on our Web site. He was first released on our Facebook page where he has had some suitors. We now have video. If you like what you see, do not wait too long. This is a beautiful grey horse and he moves beautifully. He could be your next competition horse. Check out "Monte" under our Thoroughbred Horses For Sale, Prospect Horses at the Track section.

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